The Kingdom of The Great Southland

Welcome to THE KINGDOM OF THE GREAT SOUTH LAND tm.  There are many sites regarding the Great South land. Only this site is the Real Mc Coy.  What the others just theorize about this is the REAL Thing. Yes it is a Real Country consisting of Australia, Antarctica and New Zealand. It holds the Australian Constitution Lawfully and is recognized in International Law by the IMF under the Uniform Commercial Code. The name of 'THE GREAT SOUTH LAND' is Trademarked under Australian law and only Southlanders by right have exclusive use of the Name.

The Government of The Great South land is the Only Constitutional Common Law Government in Australia and New Zealand. The Principality of Pentecost located at Toodyay in Western Australia is the Capital Territory of the Great South Land. The Government buildings are Known as South Land City. The Secession and claim of the Great South land took place on the Day of Pentecost the 14th of May 2006. 

We comply with all the requirements of a Nation by achieving a rapidly growing Population, with Landowners claiming their Land under Title Absolute. By this means the Country grows in territory as well. The Owners hold their Property and all rights to it, all Title Absolute means is that the property is Seceded out of Australia into The Great South land.

Harley Williamson on the 17th March 2011 won a very significant victory in the Western Australian Supreme Court, the outcome will allow any UCC1 Southlander to Quash in any Court in WA any Police Charges, Shire Rates and the Taxation Department. This Supreme Case Law will change the Landscape of the Judiciary in Australia and will bring to it's knees the draconian laws such as speed cameras, road tolls, Police vehicle seizures, use of mobile phones in cars and much much more. We have only begun to explore the possibilities.

We are in times of great peril and danger, People are destroyed by a lack of knowledge, As this site grows and develops more and more wisdom and knowledge will be imparted to all of those who hunger and seek for answers and real solutions to today's world.

It is not the end of the world as the movie makers would have us to believe and all of mankind is DOOMED! I have great hope for the future and yes there will be birth pangs at the beginning of the New Age of Peace and Prosperity for all who will take up the challenge. We are on the cusp of a new era the most dramatic change in the history of Mankind.

God is not dead He is very much alive and in CONTROL it may not look like it nor can you see the effects of His mighty Hand. I can assure you that He is doing more behind the scenes that you can even imagine. Just working with the South land and other like minded groups, who are quietly going about His Business and achieving what seems to be the impossible.

Renew your Faith in Him it is only He can achieve the impossible, only He can Deliver you from the desperate times ahead.

God Bless the Kingdom of The Great South Land and All who dwell in Her.

Yours in Service

Harley Williamson.